Established 1975

"Maintaining the highest standards of karate-do"

Our Instructors

JKA Orpington instructors are all fully qualified, maintain full public liability insurance, are
Enhanced DBS certified and key instructors are trained in first-aid and child safeguarding.

Sensei Graham

Chief Instructor
(4th Dan JKA)

Sensei Steve

(3rd Dan JKA)

Sensei Matt

Instructor/Club Secretary
(3rd Dan JKA)

Sensei Dave

(2nd Dan JKA)

Sensei John

Instructor/Club Treasurer
(1st Dan JKA)

"No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.
Teacher say, student do."

Mr Miyagi   


©2018 JKA Orpington Shotokan Karate Club

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